A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 81
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 81 Of A Daughter’s Revenge by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Daughter’s Revenge EPISODE EIGHTY ONE:
…meanwhile, the shock still held Miracle hostage even as Kizito had left. As her buttocks were glued up in the chair. She was totally lost in thought.
‘Hello ma, cash, transfer or Pos?,’ the eatery attendant was asking. But all her energy fell on deaf ears. As Miracle was very much unaware of her environment.
At one point, the attendant had to tap Miracle. It was then she realized herself.
‘Oh, sorry’, Miracle apologized having found out how stranded the lady had been standing there.
‘Ma, cash, transfer or Pos,’ the attendant repeated.
‘Pos,’ Miracle stuttered. Then dipped hand into her handbag and brought out her ATM card.
Miracle settled the bills and dragged her heavy legs out of the eatery.
Actually, Miracle was caught with a man in a very big hotel somewhere on Lagos island. However, it wasn’t Kizito that saw them but one of his boys. Though the boy did not see the face of the man but his broad back as he walked together with Miracle into the hotel.
But he saw Miracle clearly.
Kizito was involved in a fatal accident. He hit a road bump with his vehicle at great speed and ran into the bush, colliding against trees. The accident happened at midnight. And he was very drunk. Only God knows where he was coming back from at that ungodly hour.
It was the police patrol team that came to his rescue that night. And he was rushed to the hospital unconscious.
Kizito sustained many injuries. He lost so much blood. He also broke one of his leg. And he was having an internal bleeding.
The information got to his parents the following morning. And before the cock could crown three times that morning, they were already in the hospital.
Kizito was short of blood. And a donor was needed urgently to save Kizito. However, Chief and his wife decided to have their blood tested in order to know who has the same blood group with their son.
But to their surprise when the result came out, they were informed that none of them has the same blood group with their son. And that became a big cause to worry about especially to Chief. As the whole thing has raised many questions begging for an answers.
However, In order to save Kizito whose life was at stake, an alternative path was taken. Chief had to pay for blood which was used to save the life of Kizito first.
As a matter of fact, the doctor of the hospital where Kizito was admitted was not just a friend but also a brother to Chief. So after all said and done, he met with the doctor to discuss what could be the problem on why the bloods, especially his own blood, could not match with that of his son. Because, to his best of knowledge, either of them should have been matched with that of his son.
‘…Doctor, what could be the problem?’, Chief finally asked.
‘My brother, this case is very very complicated. This is a situation where no parents pray for it to befall upon them..’, the doctor said.
‘Doctor, what exactly do you mean?..’, Chief inquired curiously.
‘Are you sure you are the father of that young man?’, the doctor had to ask the unexpected question.
At first, Chief was furious and disappointed but he later had to calm down and answered the doctor by saying, “Of course, why would you be asking me such a question? I am disappointed in you because I am expecting another medical explanation to this complication not to question my paternity to my son.’
Meanwhile, Kizito’s mother was innocent about the whole thing because she didn’t know the implication of a child not matching either of the parent’s blood group.
‘While, medically, a child should have either the mother’s or father’s blood group..’, the doctor was explaining before he was interrupted by the curious Chief.
‘What are you trying to say?’, Chief asked amid confusion.
‘In a case like this, it’s either you are not the father of the child or your wife is not the mother because one of you is supposed to match. But since none is a match, then there is a big problem..’, the doctor finally declared.
They continued the private talking in the doctor’s office that fateful day.
However, Chief didn’t take it seriously because it sounded odd to him. Even when he informed his wife about it, her answer was: ‘Don’t mind that stûpîd doctor.’
Days later, Kizito was recovering tremendously. But Chief’s mind was no longer at rest because he didn’t know what to do and the issue had become too heavy a burden to him. One day, he went back to the doctor and asked for advice on what to do. The doctor made it clear to him that if he wanted to be sure of everything, he should have a paternity test done on his son.
So when the doctor made mention of DNA to Chief, he almost collapsed because he knew what that meant. As It was too much for him to handle. But he had to be a man and face whatever was about to happen.
Chief had made the decision to take the bold step even though it was not easy. The doctor, his friend, gave him an idea of where he would carry out the test here in Lagos and the cost.
With immediate effect, Chief started the DNA process. He booked an appointment with the CEO of the company, Mr. Tunde. But one important question he never failed to ask was how accurate the result could be so as to know what he was about to get himself involved into.
‘…while, the accuracy of the result could be 99.99% if you are the father and 0% if you are not the father..’ That was the explanation Chief got in respect to his question. As Mr. Tunde explained everything about DNA to him without leaving any stone unturned.
On the appointment day, Chief went with the sample he was asked to bring. Meanwhile, Chief was initially asked to come with his son for the collection of samples but due to the complications and secrecy of the whole thing, Mr. Tunde then told him what and what to bring. And Chief made no mistake bringing the requirements.
To Be Continued