Night I Spent With A Ghost Episode 5
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Night I Spent With A Ghost Episode 5 Of Night I Spent With A Ghost by Esomchy Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Night I Spent With A Ghost EPISODE FIVE:
I was roused by multiple crowing of cocks, very surprised as to how cocks were crowing that much in a pôlice station, I slowly opened my eyes and to my greatest bewilderment, I wasn’t in any pôlice cèll, I was just comfortably lying on the bed in my room. I looked around and found Aria sitting lonely and sadly in a corner of my room, Her eyes motionlessly gazing at the empty space.
It was at this point I realized It had all been a dream and I wished that meeting Aria was also a dream but unfortunately, it wasn’t,
“Good morning,” She greeted motionlessly, her eyes still glued to this invisible thing she was the only one who could see.
“Good morning, how was your night?” I asked and sat up, resting my back on the wall.
“You already know the answer to that, so why ask?”
“Answer to what? I don’t understand,” I exclaimed cônfusedly.
“Stop prétending like you don’t know what I’m talking about, haven’t I told you the difference between mortality and immortality?”
When she said this, I became extremely cônfused and cônfounded, I could vividly remember everything but what I couldn’t tell was how she was able to come to my dream.
“Aria,” I called lostfully and continued speaking without waiting for her response.
“When did you explain that to me?”
“Sam, the question should be, do you still remember what I explained?”
“Yes I do, I can still recall you saying that sleep exists only in mortality and that once a person closes the eyes and the spirít departs from the body, there’s nothing like sleep again. But what I’m asking is, when did you tell me this?”
“How come you can remember what I told you but can’t remember when? Isn’t that abnormal?”
“Aria, I’m sure you know the point I’m trying to make here, please stop beating around the bush, when did you tell me that?”
“Sam, I’m sure you’re not yet interested in seeing the other side of life. Or are you?”
“What do you mean?”
“The information you are yearning for is only accessible at the other side of life, if you really want to get it, then you must first d¡e! Are you still interested?”
When I heard this, I felt the trémbling of my heart,
‘How can I d¡e when I’m yet to put a smile on mom’s face?’
“No please, never mind,” I answered quickly with a lame grin.
“Looks like someone is àfraid to d¡e,” She uttered, her face still mean and motionless.
I didn’t want to fully accept the défeat, so I quickly backed myself up,
“I’m not afraid to d¡e, I’m only afraid if dy¡ng without putting a smile on my mom’s face.”
“Really?” She asked and I nodded sheepishly, thinking I had won,
“So what if the only way to put a smile on her face is by dy¡ng?”
“Aria, my de@th can never put a smile on my mom’s, and I’d be pleased if we could lay this de@th topic aside and talk about something else.”
“What if the only way to help me get vêngeànce is by dy¡ng?”
When she asked this question, the earth stopped rotating, the moon switched off its light and the sun froze, all I could hear was the fervent beating of my heart, it was up to a billion beats per second, such that the sound could be heard from thousands of miles away.
‘Make eh no be say this girl dey after my l¡fe ooo’ I said thoughtfully in pidgin language.
I glared at her and discovered her face was still mean and motionless,
Then she suddenly bûrsted into laughter,
“No fear mumsy boy, the girl no dey after your l¡fe, ehm just dey play.”
She uttered with pidgin and continued laughing.
I was shôcked and relieved at the same time when I heard this Relieved that she was just joking but shöcked for many other reasons.
“I didn’t say that to your hearing,” I muttered skeptically,
“And I didn’t say you did,” She replied.
“So you can read mind?” I asked in disbelief.
“If I was able to feature in your dream, do you think that reading your would be a bigger deal?”
“So you really featured in my dream?”
“Yes, and don’t bother to ask further questions, unless you would like to see the part beyönd.” She retorted.
“Of course, I won’t,” I answered sharply.
Suddenly, Aria stood from the floor and started moving towards the bed.”
“Sam,” She called, “We’ve been talking for quite a while now, please let’s proceed to get this mission accomplished, my time is running out and I can’t afford to leave without having my last wish fulfilled.”
“What is the first task?” I asked curiously.
“The police station,” She answered.
“Pôlice what? So that I will be löcked up in the cèll the way it happened in my dream?” I asked feárfully.
“You and I know that it was as a result of your m¡stake that you ended up there, the dream was a cáution, be careful not to make any s¡lly m¡stake to avoid getting yourself into trôuble, don’t forget that pôlice are only friend to responsible people.”
“Good morning officers,” I greeted as I entered the Police station just the way it happened before.
“How are you doing boy, what brought you to the pôlice station this morning?” One of them asked without looking up from the file his eyes were glued to.
“I’m fine sir, I have come to make the report of a crïme that was committed 12 months ago, “I replied.
“That’s suitably a year now, right? “He asked.
“Yessir,” I replied
He asked for my name, my age, and my residence and finally told me to proceed to report the case.
I cleared my throat and started speaking,
“One year ago, a girl by the name: Aria Johnson was repôrtedly m¡ssing, the search for her was launched but no one was able to know her whereabouts since then.
The case was aborted because no one was able to get any relevant information about her.
But the cûlprit is no other person than her boyfriend,
“He used her for môney ritûal by r@ping her to de@th.” When I was done speaking, the Officer who was writing down my report removed his transparent spectacle and hît both hands on the table, to buy my full attention.
“Look here boy,” He cômmanded, his widely opened eyes gazing directly into mine.
“Are you sure of what you’re talking about?
Make sure you’re telling the truth because if we find out you’re lying, we’ll let you know that the Pôlice is only friend of responsible people.”
When he said that, féar gripped my heart,
“What do I tell them?”I asked Aria who stood behind me.
“Tell them, you’ll show them my bôdy in his house,” She replied,
“Who are you talking to?”
One of the Officers asked, this time around, I didn’t make any mîstake having known what would be my fate if I dáred to.
“Oh, Never mind,” I replied with a lame smile,
“So as I was saying, I’m very sure of what I’m saying, in fact, as I speak, there’s a secret room he kept her frôzen bôdy.
“What, what kind of wick£d man is that?” One of them exclaimed àngrily,
“We’re going there right away!” another Officer added.
So I gave the pôlice officer Jeff’s address from Aria.
They quickly saddled their private car and we set out for a trip to his House.
Throughout the ride,
I didn’t see Aria anywhere and that scàred me a lot,
“Let it not be she’s left me in the hands of these able-bodied Officers oo.”
The car suddenly stopped at the gate of a very beautiful and outstanding mansion,
The giant look alone made me règret ever accepting to help Aria.
“What if the man out of his great riches offers these Officers their usual and they even turn àgainst me? Hmm, I just hope this ends well.”
We hopped down from the vehicle and one of the Officers gently knocked on the gate.
“Yes, who be that?” A voice I knew without exception that it belonged to a gateman asked and I could hear the sound of his feet as he scurried toward the gate.
He opened the mini gate and peeped through it.
“Who be you?” He asked and observed every one of us from hair to toe.
“We are from the H.R.A (Honor the Rich Association) OPO branch,
Your Boss has been numbered among the richest and most powerful men in this region,
so we have come to honor Him.
Is he around?”
I nearly laughed when one of the Officers said that to the gateman.
Chai, pôlice can l¡e in this country,
They even dressed in black suits so that whoever saw them would just see them as notable officials.
“Yes, he dey, make I go call am,” the gateman answered joyously and quickly raced inside the building,
We entered inside and one of them locked the get back.
Within a short while, the big man with a chubby stomach waddled out of the house,
“Gentlemen, welcome to my home,” he recited and adjusted his bubba boastfully,
“Good day Sir, we believe you’re Mr. Jefferson Döllar right?
“Yes that’s me,” He nodded affirmatively,
“Sir, we’re from the pôlice department, There’s a cr¡me all@gation that was raised àgainst you and we have been mandated to search your entire Building for confirmation that you aren’t gûilty of the cr¡me.” One of the Officers said and showed his identity.
“What? Without even notifying me?” Jeff exclaimed surprisedly,
“Yes sir and we’re kicking off our mission right away.
“Please hold on gentlemen,” He said as we were halfway to enter inside,
“Hem Hem, let me find you something,”_He put his hand in his bubba’s pocket and brought out a bundle of Môney, moved closer to one of the officers, and whispered something to him, after which the officer with a sheepish smile collected the Môney. He then called his fellow officers together and whispered something to them also before they all began to smile sheepishly and the next thing I saw was a ghun pointing directly at my forehead.
“Young Man, you’re under @rrest for raising f@lse @llegation and you have the right to remain silent as whatever you say may be used àgainst you in the coúrt of láw.”
TO Be Continued